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和式刃物刀匠特別限定 黒猪系列 岩井丈作「雷轟」山刀 藤卷付


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這款刀具是岩井丈向美國著名設計師Tom Brown致敬的和式刃物,鍛冶師憑藉著30年以上的傳統工藝經驗鍛造出這款和式的獵殺追蹤刀(Tracker)。作者本人也對其出乎意料的完美完工度感到驚訝。

刀匠施以三枚合技法,以軟鐵包夾堅硬並銳利之日立青紙鋼,並使用磨刀石進行手工磨削工序,以再現獨特的刀刃設計。與Tom Brown的劍形山刀系列相似的是,「雷轟」山刀也採用了不鏽鋼的口金和樫木柄,這樣的設計正好非常適合和式風格。


Product Specification

  • 實際刃長:215mm
  • 全長(握柄至尖端長度):394mm
  • 刀身最厚處(元重):7mm
  • 重量:506g


How to Maintain High Carbon Steel Knives

After use, simply wipe the knives dry. Please do not use a dishwasher to clean the knives. If you plan not to use the knives for an extended period, be sure to apply a thin layer of protective oil.

In the case of rust on the blade, you can use a rust eraser or a special 3M scrubber (only suitable for matte-finish knives). If there is minor rust on the mirror-finished parts, use rust removal paste and make sure to thoroughly remove any remaining residue with a Cleaning Naphtha to eliminate all chemical remnants from the blade.

Please use the knives for their intended purpose. Different knives are designed for slicing, chopping, or handling frozen foods. Do not use them for purposes beyond their intended use to avoid damaging the knives.

We highly recommend using EDCI's high-tech rust prevention spray to maintain your high carbon steel knives. EDCI rust prevention spray is made in the USA, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, poses no harm to the environment, and is non-flammable.

It is also a food-grade rust prevention spray, suitable for knives made of any type of steel. After spraying, it automatically forms a protective layer, and it can be used directly for cutting food without contaminating it. Users no longer need to worry about rust on their high carbon steel knives. EDCI is a game-changer for high carbon steel knife maintenance!

SKU: TIMC215bb0018